There are over 700 types of lenses. To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses.
Boss frame cabinetBOSS FRAME CABINET
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]
frame cabinet dg vougeFRAME CABINET DG VOUGE
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]
raybay frame cabinetRAYBAY FRAME CABINET
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]

disney frameDISNEY FRAME
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]
MK frame cabinetMK FRAME CABINET
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]
Vouge frame cabinetVOUGE FRAME CABINET
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]


NSU - College of OptometryCERTIFICATE
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]
4 office view ( front left)OFFICE
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]
Dr. Nguyen, Staffs and Patients (2)STAFFS
To make these work we must consider your lifestyle, prescription and frame. In this way we make the glasses work for you rather than you having to adjust to your glasses [...]


Address: 903 S Bristol St Unit A Santa Ana CA 92703
Telephone: 714 564 9696
Fax: 714 784 7819

Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 10AM - 6PM
Saturday: 10AM - 4PM
Sunday: Closed.
Walk in are welcome.